Welcome to AVIV Mediation Services, where we specialize in providing neutral, judgment free and effective mediation services. At AVIV, we create a safe and supportive space for open dialogue and resolution, so that you can begin to rebuild and heal.

Spring follows winter- resolution follows conflict.

Why mediation?

Hiring a lawyer isn’t the only way to achieve legal agreement.

Here's why mediation should be seriously considered as the better option:

1. Cost-Effectiveness

Mediation is generally far more cost-effective than hiring a lawyer. In mediation, a neutral mediator facilitates the negotiation process between the parties involved, helping them reach an agreement on their own terms. Since mediation eliminates the need for costly court proceedings and lengthy legal battles, it significantly reduces legal fees.

2. Greater Control and Autonomy

Unlike in a traditional lawyer-client scenario, where decisions are often made by a judge or jury, mediation puts the power back in the hands of the parties involved. Through open communication and guided discussions, the mediator assists the parties in finding mutually agreeable solutions. This results in more personalized outcomes and greater satisfaction for all parties concerned.

3. Preserving Relationships

In many family law disputes, preserving relationships between the parties involved is of utmost importance. By encouraging open dialogue and fostering a collaborative environment, mediation allows the parties to maintain healthier relationships, which can be particularly beneficial when ongoing cooperation is necessary.

4. Confidentiality and Privacy

Mediation offers a higher degree of confidentiality and privacy compared to legal proceedings. Confidentiality is a crucial aspect of mediation that allows parties to freely express their concerns and explore potential solutions without the fear of damaging public disclosures. Unlike court cases, mediation discussions and agreements are typically kept private, offering a sense of security and preventing public scrutiny of personal matters.